Cigars for all of our Philadelphia cigar rolling events are the same cigars available to our participating Philadelphia retailers. CF Domninicana is a cigar brand, not a store. As a premium brand, cigars are superior to any cigars made anywhere in the United States. All of the cigars are USA Connecticut shade with Dominican filler and are imported from a factory in Santiago Dominican Republic with the blend exclusive to CF Cigars. Having a blend unique to a brand is mandatory for any real prmium cigar brand and just like wine, the distinction in body is what separates premium cigars from any cigar made locally, which are inferior.
The cigars that we recommend for events are typically 50 ring gauge like the Tribeca (7 x 50r CT Shade), SoHo (5.5 x 50r CT Shade), and Chelsea (7 x 50r Maduro) for a few reasons. The custom cigar bands created on the cigars are more visible when the cigar has a fatter girth also, cigar aficionados prefer a 50 ring gauge as opposed to a slendor cigar. The length of the cigar translates into smoking time which we will discern the best recommendation for you giving your event for instance, weddings should have shorter cigars is brides typically don’t like it when people smoke too long as opposed to golf outings where longer cigars may be more suitable because the players have more time. The contact form becomes important because it gives us the information in the detail that we need to recommend the right combination of features and cigars for your event. If your event is going to be a Saturday or Sunday we suggest to reserve the date immediately as we have become increasingly busier each year as our history demonstrates.